Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Image result for ancient greece

Wednesday, April 11th Day 14

You should review hominids while I check the BSR sheets.

1. After quiz, place it in folder on windowsill and grab a Junior Scholastic.

2. Print your religious story to the printer in the library. One student will go upstairs to get all the printouts. Each student will then staple his/her rubric, which I will return, to the printout. Select printer HM-Library-Color

3. Go to Classroom to complete a warm-up.

4. Read Junior Scholastic

Objectives: model good public speaking and listening, explain the term maritime and its relevance to the history of Greece, and explain the key facts about our hominid ancestors.

Remember to stay quiet in the hallway as today is an MCAS day for the upper grades.

Greece social studies page
