Thursday, January 10, 2019

Image result for seti mummy
Seti I

Thursday, January 10 Day 11

We will learn what is at the end of the tunnel in Seti's tomb

We will travel to the newest tomb discovered in Egypt

We will travel  to the Kushite Kingdom in modern day Sudan, home to more pyramids than Egypt.

HW: BSR #2 my afterlife notes


Be kind

Stay safe

7.12 On a historical map of the Mediterranean region, locate the Mediterranean and Red Seas, the Nile River and Delta, and the areas of ancient Nubia and Egypt.

Identify the locations of ancient Upper and Lower Egypt and explain what the terms mean. On a modern map, identify the modern countries of Egypt and Sudan. (G)
7.13 Describe the kinds of evidence used by archaeologists and historians to draw conclusions about the social and economic characteristics of ancient Nubia (the Kingdom of Kush) and their relationship to the social and economic characteristics of ancient Egypt. (H, G)
7.14 Describe the role of the pharaoh as god/king, the concept of dynasties, the importance of at least one Egyptian ruler, the relationship of pharaohs to peasants, and the role of slaves in ancient Egypt. (H, C)
7.15 Describe the polytheistic religion of ancient Egypt with respect to beliefs about death, the afterlife, mummification, and the roles of different deities. (H)

7.16 Summarize important achievements of Egyptian civilization. (H) A. the agricultural system B. the invention of a calendar C. monumental architecture and art such as the Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza D. hieroglyphic writing E. the invention of papyrus

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