Wednesday, March 20, 2019

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Wednesday, March 20 Day 12

Video Vote Tie Breaker

HW: BSR #1 plastic notes

blank note sheet

Auction letter

The solution is at hand!

Last chance for missing work.

Check Aspen

Check Egypt video votes


Be Kind

Stay Safe

7.1      Describe the origins of Christianity and its central features. (H)

A.   monotheism
B.   the belief in Jesus as the Messiah and Gods son who redeemed humans from sin
C.   the concept of salvation
D.   belief in the Old and New Testament
E.    the lives and teachings of Jesus and Saint Paul

F.    the relationship of early Christians to officials of the Roman Empire

c. The emergence of Christianity as a distinct religion, with roots in Judaism, but increasingly diverse followers throughout the Roman Empire and the relationship of early Christians to the officials of the Roman Empire.
d. the central features of Christianity (e.g., the belief in a messiah who could redeem humans from sin, the concept of salvation, the belief in an Old and a new Testament in the Bible, the life and teachings of Jesus.).

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