Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Engineering an Empire Rome


Engineering an Empire Rome

Alexander the Great quiz Thursday or Friday

Rome quiz next Tuesday

I would like my students to do the following
1. finish peer editing - print outs of checklist and printouts of letters are on my desk - some kids may have to print their letters. They will have to be creative in finding a partner since the assigned partner may be on a the boat!

2, Make the recommended revisions to the letter

3. watch Engineering Rome video
My notes and the video are linked to the blog - You can watch this at the same time or allow kids to watch at their own convenience. it's very interesting and probably most helpful if every student watches it at the same within his/her classroom of the day. The video is 90 minutes, so it may be best into two parts on the same day since kids will change rooms the second day. 

The Alexander the Great quiz will be available to take on Thursday or Friday. 

The Rome quiz will be next week, most likely on Tuesday morning. 

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