Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday, March 15 Day 9

The rosters are on the blue clipboard.

7:25 Connections - tale attendance - call ext 2869 to report any absences

7:40 D Period - take attendance. Allow the students about 10 minutes to review the Israel notes
while you circle about to check that they have a BSR parent signature for March 13.
They dropped class Thursday. Indicate on the roster with a check-mark or zero.  
Students should use a divider when taking the check-in. The check-in is in Google Classroom.
As students finish, they can refer to Friday’s blog to read and take notes for the article about
Recycling Won't Solve the Problem. Please tell them to make a copy of the article and note sheet
and to be sure to read the guided questions on the note sheet BEFORE reading the article.
They should be sure to highlight important text in the article. The students are to work on their
own to read and take notes.
There is no homework over the weekend.
Today’s check-in will count for term two.
 If any student forgets the expectations for behavior, do not hesitate to ask for a popsicle stick.
Do not feel it necessary to give warnings before asking for a popsicle stick.

Recycling Won't Solve the Problem article

Guided Notes for Recycling Won't Solve the Problem 

8:39 unified arts E2

9:38 Flex - silent reading or work on Scratch which is a coding app. At 10:15 they can chat or play
 board games. Cleanup games at 10:28.

10:31 dismissal to lunch

10:55 unified arts F1

11:54 - A period Same as D period except check for a BSR signature from 3-14.
Mrs. McPhee will be with you for A and B. She will take some kids to her room when it’s time
to take the check-in.

12:53  B period Same as A period.

1:50 dismissal to home room

1:51 Homeroom - clean up everything from floor and put up all chairs. NO ONE leaves until the floor
is clean and every chair has been put up.

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